Meixi (梅溪)

Meixi(梅溪), an experienced guqin(古琴) performer, educator, maker and advocate, is the current director of Kai Feng Huang Song Da Guan Guqin Arts School 開封市皇宋大觀 and one of the successors to the “Jiu Yi Pai 九疑派(style) Guqin”.  

Guqin Artist, Meixi: Background & Story 

He’s been in the profession of guqin for more than 2 decades- a visiting guqin lecturer at Henan University; being greatly passionate in the research of guqin; ancient musical instruments makings: guqin(古琴), guzheng(古箏), se(瑟) and xiao(簫) and promotion of the ancient ritual music.

Guqin artist, Meixi


Kaifeng 開封, the ancient capital

Kaifeng(開封) in Henan province, China used to be a key ancient capital for many of the past dynasties, such as Xia(夏) and Song(宋) back to more than thousand years ago. Its atmosphere of deep culture and art such as ancient music and poetry cultivate many artists, and Meixi is literally exemplary of that in the modern days.

Guqin in Kaifeng City China

Kai Feng Huang Song Da Guan Guqin Arts School 開封市皇宋大观

Initially Influenced by his family, Meixi began learning Guqin at the age of 8, gifted with a great talent in Chinese music ever since his childhood. Later, he was introduced to traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) also for his family heritage; he was graduated from Henan Chinese Medicine College with a major in recovery therapy. Be that as it may,  he found himself more indebted to ancient music with a great passion as time went by! In the end, he left the practice of TCM and returned to his destiny, the art of guqin!

As talented as other versatile musicians, not only does Meixi master guqin, he also masters guzheng(古筝), vertical flute(洞簫) and well-versed in ancient poetry. 

Rooted in his favorite GuangLing pai (style) with JiuYi Guan Pai, he then created his own style, “JIu Yi Guan Pai Mei Xi Liu Qin Feng (九疑管派梅溪流琴風).

Throughout his ancient music career, this professional guqin artist has carried many hats as follows:  

Current director of Kai Feng Huang Song Da Guan Guqin Arts School

Henan University - Guqin lecturer

Henan Guqin Society - Executive member 

Guizhou Guqin Society - Life member 

Henan KaiFeng Song Ci (phrase/poem), Ancient Music & Dance research Society - Founder and Vice Chairman  

2013 Henan Province Intangible cultural heritage(Guqin) Contribution Award